Monday, September 17, 2012


Two weeks ago, when I was chillin at my dear church,
I was challenged by my pastor's message on Passion...

As many of you know,  I am VERY PASSIONATE when it comes to the topic about the passions, visions, and dreams that God places on our hearts.

Think about it for a few seconds, have you EVER in your life met someone who seemed to have an "INSANE Passion?"...That person who you thought was just absolutely crazy and out of their minds???

Just an FYI, I don't sugar coat or hold back...this is Straight.UP. reflections...

I feel like this world has died. Everyday I meet people who seem  to or have seriously just given up on the passions God once placed in their hearts to pursue. It just makes my soul cry.  I always LOVE seeing the best in my dearest brothers and sisters. Seeing who they ARE in Christ. I believe if we REALLY started to see ourselves and others through the eyes of Jesus, this world would literally fall off it's axis.

The unending question is,...what happened? Dearest brothers and sisters, what happened? Why did we stop running the race? Why did we listen to the world's lies, and let it define us?

Why does one have an insane passion? What causes a soul to simply  "lose practical logical sense" in the world's eyes and pursue a path of life in God eyes that makes perfect sense?

Just thought I'd share from my personal experiences of  life so far.... So, this year is what I would love to label as the "The Insane Passion Year."  I don't even know where to begin, ever since I got back from my missions trip to Macedonia this past May, God totally shook the plans of my life. I thought I was going to go to North Central University for the next 4 years, major in worship leading, go into full time European/Russian music missions, meet some musician guy and life would just be absolutely beautiful!....LOL =P Oh but how truly NAIVE I was at the time...While in Macedonia, God confirmed on my heart, hands down thee most craziest ideas I've ever heard...I was honestly TERRIFIED at first...the doubts, worries, fears, flooded and murdered my mind. The word IMPOSSIBLE! IMPOSSIBLE! IMPOSSIBLE! SCREAMED IT'S LIES inside my soul....So what's this "Insane Passion" you ask? Well...God has inspired me to work this entire year to save up money to transfer to Lithuania Christian College next Fall 2013. Normally, I've noticed society doesn't usually save money for a European college. I've always been an overly adventurous soul, willing to go as far as I can, to the point where most people would just give up. You can say in some aspects I have the gift of  "over-perseverance". Sometimes it's a blessing, other times, it kinda kills me.  While attending LCC next year hopefully, I plan on starting my music ministry passions as well. God has inspired me  to start Hillsong Lithuania, and my own personal musical side project I like to call "Grazyna Aistra". With these two music passions, I pray for the opportunities to be able to do music ministry on the streets of Lithuania, Russia, and pretty much all of Eastern Europe. I'm also hoping to be part of The Baltic Initiate, (One of Eastern Europe's key church planting movements) and hopefully plant coffee shop churches throughout Lithuania and Eastern Europe.

I've learned over the years, I have to STOP caring what other people think of me and my insane passions. Let them JUDGE, JUDGE AWAY. I DON"T FREAKIN CARE..(I don't use strong expressions unless I really mean them) You know, honestly, "I don't give a SHI*" of what people think. The ones who judge, mock, laugh in your face, dearest brothers and sisters, their opinions DON'T MATTER. Remember.This. It ONLY matters how GOD SEES YOU. And He is ABSOLUTELY ENTHRALLED by YOU, AMAZED AT YOUR BEAUTIFUL SELF. Jesus believes in YOU. and HE FOREVER WILL.

So why do I even bother to pursue this insane passion?

 Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
--Gil Bailie

This is hands down one of my life quotes. This world needs that ONE person who will go ALL THE WAY, literally to their last dying breath, all out for their God given passions.

If we don't, dearest brothers and sisters? WHO WILL!?!?!?! Who will be BOLD and DARING to show this world who Jesus REALLY IS, by simply following Him with our insane passions?

If there's one thing I know, It's.Not.Going.To.Be.Easy..... dearest brothers and sisters, I "hate" to be honest with you....=P REALLY HONEST. DEATHLY.HONEST.  But God has promised only GOOD to those who love Him, and that He will be with you every BREATH, every STEP, every TEAR, every LAUGH, every SCAR of the way as you pursue your Insane Passion for His glory....

Cross That Line ~Superchick

I pray that everyday, we would be inspired to..."Cross That Line" for Christ...<3

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lost Under Your American Sky

Those sweet fall days
when God placed you in my life
it was unexpected
I was focused on leaving the country,
you are what I like to call the "American surprise"
I was left speechless,
I knew the prayers I prayed,
you were seemingly the answer?
The surprises of God,
what an unpredictable, beautiful, risky adventure,
I am in awe of this moment,
how close it never came to be,
if it weren't for this world's scarred historic past,
I would have never touched American soil,
I'm left speechless,
This whole life,
I look back and laugh,
it's just so crazy,
out of the millions of dear souls in this world,
I happened to cross paths with you,
I'm sure God looks down from heaven,
waiting in overly excited anticipation,
like a child on his 5th birthday,
for two souls to meet,
it's so scandalously mysterious,
like secretly smuggling your name,
into a Serbian's hands...