Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Romantic"s Letter to this Beautiful Life

We can't have it all 
But we can make the most of the memories we have 
Long car rides in a nostalgic land that was the original home 
Losing yourself in his emerald blue eyes 
Singing of God"s endless love in Lithuanian at bible study 
Stranding yourself in the middle of nowhere with dear friends 
Wednesday prayer nights of hope with your dearest roomies, believing in God to do miracles of the impossible. 
Sipping banana chocolate lattes at midnight with your best friend talking about this beautiful life 
Singing Russian love songs in coffeeshops with an acoustic guitar
Late night walks after youth group lost under the starry Baltic sky...
We can't have it all, 
But we can make the most of the memories we have, 
Our hearts will break within our glass souls 
We will fall in love 
We will fall out of love 
Oh how short this life is! 
As we immortally lie to our mortal selves
Taking the ones we love for granted 
You are only 22 once 
Perhaps our lives didn't go as we planned, hoped or dreamed, but I thank God He had something even greater in mind 
I thank Him for 
Each smile 
Each heart felt laugh 
Each dear soul I have ever met in this beautiful life 
Each moment of artistic inspiration 
Each musical melody that ever danced across the catacombs of my wandering heart 
For Every time I was lost under your Baltic sky 
for every time I was lost under your American sky 
And every culture in between and beyond 
We can't have it all 
And I've finally come to peace with this reality 
But we can make the most of the memories we were blessed to be alive for.