Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Scars of Communism

You think you know me,
but you never will,
Your heart is not understanding,
it's so judgemental,
You think I'm American,
 HELL to the no,
You'll never understand what it's like to be Lithuanian,
You think you can travel the entire world, go to every Eastern European and Russian country,
and understand what it's like to be eastern european,
 but you've only scratched the surface,
all my life,
I've never felt like I belong in this country,
On the outside,
it may look like I have it all together,
 but that's purely habitual and cultural european ettiqutte,
it's how we were taught,
it's in my blood,
I'm so tired of being that outcast,
it's like everyone has been brain washed,
am I REALLY that different?
Yes, reality is I am,
Like it or not, You're American minded,
I'm colorfully and creatively European minded,
and I don't care what you think of me,
Judge away,
think I'm crazy,
I don't care,
because I know God smiles down on those souls who dare to show the world how ORIGINALITY is done,
it's like I'm in a trap that I've been dying to get out of for 20 years,
did I have a choice in this matter?
it was NEVER my choice to live here,
but somehow God took this Lithuanian that randomely or shall I say divinely coincidentally that ended up in America,
and turned this life into a beautiful masterpiece,
that otherwise would have most likely not happened in dearest Lietuva,
some days its so hard to smile..
oh this deathly hard Letters to Lietuva trial..

The price of the scars of communism, somehow must be paid...
and my life is one of the many, many, endless eastern european stories of how indeed it sadly has....

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