A violin from the Holocaust
A violinist playing music for children during the Holocaust
A musician who played the violin to his last dying breath...
So...I've been procrastinating on writing this post that God has inspired me to write for about 2 long weeks...the moment is FINALLY here...
A violinist playing music for children during the Holocaust
A musician who played the violin to his last dying breath...
So...I've been procrastinating on writing this post that God has inspired me to write for about 2 long weeks...the moment is FINALLY here...
A few weeks ago...after coming back from a church service, I realized that I had to FIGHT for my music passion...you ask...um...why? Obviously majoring in anything within the music field wiether it be music performance or worship arts is going to be a long, hard and bloody (metaphorically speaking of course) battle.I don't know why it took me 10 years to realize the reality of this. The REAL question is...Am I going to fight this MUSIC BATTLE until I'm the last person standing on the front lines?...OR am I going to let the people around me define who I am musically and let doubt, insecurity, and fear break me down? Through much prayer and thought...I have decided I WILL BE the last musician standing...You say...well that's a DUH...of course you're going to choose that option...it's easier said than done...
I've realized in this precious and beautiful life there will be people who will like you, LOVE you, possibly want to marry you one day.....AND there will be people who are neutral about you, slightly dislike you, ABSOLUTELY dislike, ,or even.....DESPISE you to the END of your living being...and you know what? It's time for me and you to WAKE UP and embrace this reality. I also realize that I will either be LOVED or ENVIED because of my music passion. With this in mind, we MUST choose to be who we were created to be NO MATTER WHAT EVERY SINGLE PERSON THINKS. It is time to get over our selves, and embrace who Christ made us to be....... not...0%.....1%......25%......50%.....75%....not even 100%....but 101%.....We must EMBRACE our true identity in Christ 101% wither the people around us like it or not.
Jesus WILL NOT LEAVE the PASSIONATE....PASSIONLESS. I repeat...Jesus WILL NOT LEAVE THE PASSIONATE...PASSIONLESS...Let those words sink deep into your soul. The dream/vision that God has placed in your heart WILL COME TO PASS in His Perfect timing. Those dreams in your beautiful heart are not there by accident...So when the battle of life is raging and you can't see the end...dearest sister...dearest brother...I'm CRYING OUT...Don't. Give. Up. God WILL COME THROUGH. HE WILL. He Will NEVER leave a God breathed passion hanging. When I get knocked down by the Goliath of majoring in music...I get back up....again...and again....and again....and again....and again....and again....and again...and again...and again...and again...and again...AND AGAIN...AHMEN. Hopefully...you get my point. WE ALWAYS MUST CHOOSE TO GET BACK UP NO MATTER WHAT. I don't care how many years it takes me to master the acoustic guitar...I WILL MASTER IT....I WILL MASTER EVERY musical ability that God has blessed me with...singing and flauting...Most importantly in this life long process, we must remember NEVER to COMPARE ourselves with ANYONE or in this case ANY MUSICIAN. Do you realize that every second you waste your life comparing yourself to someone else...that's one second lost that you could have been practicing and improving your OWN abilities such as music?
I'm ABSOLUTELY DONE comparing myself musically to others...those days have officially ended...I don't FREAKIN care anymore...I'm going to embrace who Christ musically created me to be...and if YOU have a problem with that...you know what?!!?!? DEAL WITH IT. GET OVER IT. I'm not going to stand here and be your target....I will forever be the last musician standing...
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